Wednesday 29 February 2012

SUBJECT: Reminder from December 5 Staff Meeting

SUBJECT: Reminder from December 5 Staff Meeting

I want to remind everyone that the new employee policy manuals were issued at the December 5 staff meeting. If you did not attend, please pick up a copy of the manual in the business office at your earliest convenience. By December 31, you are expected to have read, signed, and delivered your statement of agreement to the business office drop box.

Thanks to everyone at the staff meeting. I’ve found the changes in the manual index and table of contents quite helpful, and I hope the revised book clarifies a few things for you as well.

Please remember to submit your manual contract by the last day of December. Thanks for your cooperation.Memorandum




SUBJECT: November 14 Managers’ Meeting

The November 14 managers’ meeting focused on three important changes in company policy. Let me remind you of the key points:

•    Island Video now accepts credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, and Discover which may be used for purchases of $10 or more. We still do not accept debit cards. Please post the enclosed Island credit sign, so customers can read of this policy.

•    Island Video will start new employees at $7.25 an hour. Please use the revised application which clearly states this information.

•     Island Video will remain open until 1 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights beginning October 31. As we discussed, weekend nights are our busiest times.

Thanks for implementing these changes. Please call me if you require further information on any of these points.

I credit each and every one of my managers with Island Video’s progress. Thanks.



SUBJECT: Recap of J & J Fall Meeting

The J & J October 13 meeting covered several important points, which I’ll briefly recap.

Vice President Mark Prescott announced our newest account, Bribery Heights, a neighborhood to be developed in east Springfield. I believe this latest contract will prove to be our most lucrative yet, and I am eager to start working on it.

Mr. Prescott also announced J & J will begin to use a handful of freelance contractors. J & J will hire these additional workers for the duration of the Sun Springs project. As Mr. Prescott explained, with some freelancers on board, we can feel free to pull staff contractors from certain projects and assign them to the new Bribery job.

Finally, the meeting touched on information about the contractors’ 1998 pay scale. Enclosed please find the revised J & J guidelines for salaries.

 Thanks for your kind attention.Memorandum




SUBJECT: News from the March 10 Meeting

The March 10 Roosevelt Inn staff meeting had more issues to discuss than usual due to the Inn’s expansion plan. I’d like to reiterate several of the more pertinent points of discussion.

•    As of June 1, the new wing of Roosevelt rooms will be ready for use. The new reservation system can begin booking the new rooms in March.

•    Training sessions for new Roosevelt Inn employees shall run from April 12 through May 15. If you are a training instructor, please report to your station next week for a schedule of meeting times.

•    During the first weekend of July, we will host a special reopening party, featuring
    half-price suites and discounts on room service.

•    Please be ready to work this weekend. We will need almost all staff on hand. If you have a scheduling conflict, let me know now.

Thanks for your consideration and to everyone who attended the meeting. I will keep you posted on upcoming changes and events.

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