Wednesday 29 February 2012

Many publishers have a hard time getting

Many publishers have a hard time getting approved into the Google AdSense program. In fact, Google recently posted a blog entry named Before you apply to In that blog post, Google explains the ways to apply and some of the criteria that must be met to get approval into the program.
If that blog post doesn't help you get into the Google AdSense program then maybe a DigitalPoint Forums thread would.
In that thread, one member claimed that if you register at HubPages and then click on "account settings" and then "affiliates." You can sign up for Google AdSense
When you create a user account with , we’ll automatically create the Google Adsense program for you. Just answer a few simple questions and you’ll be ready to go.
This implies that creating a HubPage account will guarantee acceptance into Goee that the same applies to Google's Blogger accounts or Google Page

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