Wednesday 29 February 2012

I'm going to let you know about the way I got approved for Google AdSense.

 This is a proven method and I didn't have any trouble yet. I'm not quite sure whether Google will make actions to change their approval policy after finding this method. But still it is OK with them.
If you are going through the standard way, first you have to build a quality website according to AdSense guidelines. And then you have to host it with a web hosting service provider. If you know web designing, then you can reduce the cost for both of these. But otherwise you will have to spend at least few hundreds of Dollars. And there is a possibility that Google will reject your application for AdSense, if you haven't followed the guidelines. The method that I'm going to describe here won't make you any of above mentioned troubles.
If you are familiar with blogs and blogging you know about which is a blogging service provided by Google. If you don't have a account, it is free to sign up for an account. For this you will need an email address of Gmail. You will need it for applying for AdSense also. Therefore if you don't have these or one of this membership ( and Gmail), first get the both memberships. When you register with you can create your own blog with modifications. Then publish your blog. Then go to the administrative panel of your blog and click "Template>Page Template". Then click the "Add a Page Element" link and a pop up window will appear.
You will find "AdSense" element there. When you click "ADD TO BLOG" button in that element, you will be directed to the AdSense registration page. Fill all the required fields in the application form correctly and submit it. Hurray! You are done. Google will approve your application within 2-3 days. You don't have to worry about the possibility of rejection of your application as is a one of their services. Once your approval confirmed through email(Gmail address you registered with), you are free to put your AdSense code in any website that you like.
I hope that you gained something after reading this post. I wish you all the best with your internet business.
Sampath Wijeratne is the administrator and main contributor of [] which provides information on various topics related to the internet with free of charge. It also provide RSS subscription through a RSS link and by email. You will find more related articles in his website.
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