Wednesday 29 February 2012

. Quality vs. Quantity

Google's Panda update is giving millions of blog writers and SEO copywriters nightmares and sleepless nights. But there are ways to beat the Panda update and stay ahead in the race. Following are a few tips for writing to satisfy the Panda
In the pre Panda days webmasters demanded 20, 30 and even 50 to 100 articles from SEO copywriters based on a handful of similar looking keywords. They even mentioned that the articles need not be of top quality.
The only criterion was a super fast turnaround. Naturally, writers who had to crank out such content at break neck speed compromised on quality to deliver the assignments on time.
Quality was probably the last thing on the minds of webmasters who forced content writers to churn out 5000 or 6000 words per day!
However, with the advent of the Panda update, webmasters are being forced to turn their attention to good quality content creation as opposed to mindless quantity.
Quality content refers to well researched, well written, genuinely informative and highly useful articles and posts that satiate the readers' thirst for information and answer the questions asked by readers.
This type of content that caters to the readers' needs is usually shared between netizens and Google ranks such content highly. Webmasters should focus on this type of content to please the Panda.
Panda Prefers a Healthy Content Diet
Websites with thin content or fluff, multiple ads and extremely poor quality writing were weeded out by Panda. These were sites with great page ranks but the gibberish content was aimed only at search engines. Panda prefers to award good page ranks to websites containing substantial, juicy, informative and useful content that is unique, original and not duplicated from other sources.
Webmasters are advised to throw out their junk content and fill their web pages with original, well written content that is targeted at readers, their needs and personalities and desires.
It is Not Easy to Fool the Panda
Yes, you read that right but unfortunately majority of the webmasters try to trick Google's indexing and fool the Panda through special techniques and strategies mentioned in millions of online posts and articles.
Sites with good, great and amazing content are rewarded by Google's Panda with high page ranks in search engine results. Spam content, duplicated content, content without value, boring content that does not entertain or educate readers, anemic content and tacky, gibberish content are punished by the Panda.
It is best not to trick the Panda into believing that your site contains content better than what it actually has. Rather, you should discard the fluff, rewrite your web pages, incorporate fresh, new content that your readers will love to gulp down and provide your users with a worthwhile experience.
Instead of competing with rival bloggers, try to excel yourself, improve your own writing standards and allow each of your blog posts to be better than the others. Innovative, new, virgin and unexplored information satisfies the Panda easily.
Raj Bokdia is a serial entrepreneur and internet marketing expert. Want to keep up with the panda update? Then its important to hire a reliable article writing service whether you want to buy blog posts, articles, press releases or even if you want to buy Linkvana posts. Visit today to buy high quality content.
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