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Wednesday 29 February 2012

Money Making Online

I hear you're looking for money making online systems. Yes that's right, I can see you... I'm only joking, actually it was Google who told me.
Well you're not the only one, let me tell you what i did!
You see I discovered the internet about nine or ten years ago and was overwhelmed and I guess excited by the huge numbers of emails I would get telling me how I could make money online, thousands of dollars in fact, from all sorts of fantastic ways.
I was particularly excited by one particular email. Who wouldn't want people sending them money when all you had to do was email them the information on how to get people to send them money...
Sounded like a winner to me (I admit all I was thinking was about the money making online). Legislation in the US put that project on the garbage heap.
I then got introduced, to what was in fact a pyramid scheme, where you deposit money to read ads and your account balance would increase with the more ads you view. So you would deposit more money and view more ads. Do you think I made any money on that one?
Yes I'm a slow learner, but after that episode I steered clear of pyramid schemes and looked for legit programs.
It was a matter of good timing when I saw an email about the World Internet Summit. It was just what I needed at the time. Tom and Brett are experts at running reputable internet businesses for money making online and use various methods to teach others the same.
Thinking back though, I wasn't ready to take in the information at the time. I still want to make money fast.
But I digress, back to the World Internet Summit. I was taught at the summit that you need some basic things to run a successful internet business - 'A hungry market', a 'Solution to their problem' and a way to give it to them.
There is some technical knowledge needed such as how to create a website, get traffic and a payment system.
With my new found knowledge I turned a camcorder tutorial program I had into a digital product and used AdWords to get traffic to my webpage, simple!
Not what I expected. My AdWords knowledge was very limited and couldn't get it to work as I had imagined so I dumped that campaign feeling I was losing money when I was supposed to be money making online.
Free traffic! The holy grail.
Sitebuildit was the buzz program at the time. Optimised pages that would rank well on the search engines meaning free traffic. I got it, it worked as promised but...
PGI Insider was the next big thing. Same thing, but supposed to be better.
Affiliate links and AdSense was how the money was made, but I was impatient and building a page at a time was slow, so...
New day, new program, SEO Site Builder. All I had to do was give it a bunch of keywords (thousands of words if I had them) and it would automatically create optimised webpages for each word. But you know me by now, time to try a new program called easy web page generator. The money making online with these programs was mainly done with AdSense (quicker and easier, another bad habit).
Somewhere in there I tried a program called I-rater. You looked at peoples photos and gave them a rating. I was going for the viral traffic element (I later heard that a site called 'facesmash' did it so much better!) once again this was monetized with AdSense.
See a pattern forming? What's the next program? Next came Frank Kern and Ed Dales 'Underachiever' system. You survey customers and create an e-book by answering their questions. Sell the book by putting the sales copy page up where the survey was. I liked that system and stayed with it for longer than most.
This was a good money making online system, but... So I needed to know more, more about internet marketing in general.
I bought the Corey Rudl Internet Marketing Course from the Internet Marketing Center. 'Butterfly marketing' a program by Mike Filsaime and the Warrior Forum are another couple of ways I learnt more.
I heard a John Reese webinar and got into publishing online books with Amazon Kindle and was able to make some money there.
Even though they were working, something was off.
Could you see it? Did you pick up on what I was doing there? How many programs in that timeframe? I'm not very good at following through a project.
Bad habits made me lose focus before any real money could be made.
If money making online is your goal, but you are running around chasing the next big thing or every 'shiny object' that catches your eye you are diluting your effectiveness to get to where you really want to be. It may be a habit in all areas of your life too.
And what did I learn from all this 'chasing my own tail'...
Firstly - Accountability, you need to recognise that everything you do, everything that happens to you in some way, you played a part in it. So if something didn't work out the way that you wanted it to, ask yourself "what part did I play in this event and what can I do differently to make sure the result is different and better?
Second - Learning, everything you do whether you see it as good or bad is an accumulation of knowledge. And at every opportunity you should endeavor to furthering your knowledge if it by books, audio, courses, training or just by having a go at a project and seeing what comes of it!
Finally the concept of focus. To put it another way, you need to take the one pony, train it well and then it can win some races for you!
It's not about working harder, but working smarter!
A goal is great, but you need to plan out the steps to your goal so you can stay on track.
Steps To Goal Achievement
After ensuring you have the right mental attitude, it's time to lay out the practical steps that will be simple and easy to follow.
Step 1 - Set a goal. You need something to aim for. A money making online goal that is both achievable and practical while at the same time being a stretch or a little out of your comfort zone. Something like "I will earn $200 a month from my online business by next June". Remember that along with a monetary figure it's important to assign a date to its achievement.
Step 2 - Make a plan. If you were planning a trip from Los Angeles to New York, your goal in step 1 would be your destination, the plan you put together in step 2 is like your road map.
An example of your plan could be laid out in a format like this: "I will make one webpage a day, one blog a day and upload one article online a day. Adding targeted video uploads to Youtube and a post to my Facebook fan page every other day in order to gain 500 subscribers in two weeks."
Step 3 - Act out your plan!
Step 4 - Review your progress, thoughts, slips etc. each day/evening.
Step 5 - Go back to Step 1 and repeat.
Money making online is about listing these steps and making yourself accountable for their achievement. Something I took note of the second time I went to the World Internet Summit!
"Don't do as I do, do as I say!" That's what my dad would say. So now it's my turn to say "don't do as I did, make steps, follow these steps to your goal and do as I say!"
For more information on money making online systems and the steps to internet success make sure you visit http://www.famousbymorning.com/money-making-online.htm
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_A._Lewis

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6890126

Successful Entrepreneur Or Amateur Entrepreneur - Which One Are You?

None of us are born a successful entrepreneur. We all come into the world in the same way namely naked, scared and ignorant. What then separates us are the choices we make during our lives. These choices can range from whether we go into further education, who we marry, the career we choose, living a healthy life and the list goes on.
Making the right choices are important as ultimately these choices will determine how successful and happy we will become in life. Even when we make the wrong choice, many of us fear changing that decision as we fear taking the necessary action to make our lives better.
This applies to those who have made bad career choices. Many will continue to complain that they hate their job which then impacts on their home life, but most will still not take the necessary steps to change their lives for the better.
Even those who are brave enough to take action and start their own business sometimes still make the wrong choices that will still lead to failure and dissatisfaction. So what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the amateur entrepreneurs?
Both sets of entrepreneurs are focused on becoming successful and both work hard to achieve their goals. However successful entrepreneurs are aware that success will not happen overnight and they build their success slowly and consistently and avoid the common pitfalls faced by their less successful counterparts.
Some of the downfalls that many entrepreneurs experience include:
Slow And Steady Wins The Race
Successful entrepreneurs realise that success will not happen overnight. They acknowledge that even seemingly small steps will eventually lead to the peak of the mountain. Like the story of the tortoise and the hare their goal is about adopting positive behaviour and habits and above all being consistent until slowly, but surely, they go on to win the race. They realise that in order to become successful they will need to work very hard to achieve that success.
They also do not become complacent when they have achieved success. Instead they continue to do the things that have made them successful realising that consistency is key to long term success.
Self Education
Self education in another major reason why some entrepreneurs are more successful than others. Technology is constantly changing and therefore for any kind of entrepreneurship, education is paramount to success especially for those who have online businesses.
Take 100% ownership
To become a successful entrepreneur accountability is a must. You will need to take full responsibility for the way that your business is run. Amateur entrepreneurs have the tendency to blame any shortcomings on bad luck or on other people. However, any mistakes made are, again, as a result of making bad decisions. For example if mistakes are made in a script that has been written for you it is wrong to blame the scriptwriter, as ultimately you should have taken ownership and checked the script before the presentation. Likewise it is your own fault and not bad luck, if you overstretch yourself financially and then factors go against you. A good businessman would make a better decision by allowing for any eventualities that might happen and keep a reserve of cash in case.
Time Management
Don't waste time doing things that don't need doing. One of the biggest flaws that many entrepreneurs make is trying to do everything themselves. It is important to manage your time wisely and only the things that you need to do.
Learn From Other Successful Entrepreneurs
This is the most important difference between a successful and an amateur entrepreneur. It is far easier to become successful by being guided by other successful individuals who have been down that path before you. Even famous entrepreneurs have been influenced by other successful people. Richard Branson was advised by Freddie Laker before venturing with his airline and Steve Jobs was inspired by Robert Noyce of Intel.
It is far better to avoid costly mistakes by listening to the more experienced experts. A good mentor will not only teach you how to become successful but they will also let you tap into their own network, allowing you to surround yourself and learn from other successful people.
They will teach you the leadership and behaviour that you need to adopt to become successful.
There are many online communities that will offer mentorship programs by top business experts. The advantage of joining a reputable community is that you will have access to tools,training,focused education and live coaching calls that will equip you with all you need to know make the shift from amateur to successful entrepreneur. With technology and marketing constantly changing it can be hugely advantageous to have access to the most up to date methods that have been tried and tested by someone else's money rather than your own. All you need to do is to implement what you are taught one step at a time.
Having mentoring and coaching, in my opinion, is paramount to succeeding especially with an online business. In any business, entrepreneurship skills are crucial to becoming successful. Therefore you will need to learn the necessary skill sets required to become a successful.
Being mentored by another business entrepreneur can help to steer you on the right path to becoming a successful entrepreneur.
My name is Roy Derrick and I have over 20 years experience in running my own business. Over the years I have set up several successful businesses including a chain of retail stores and a construction company. My wife and I currently run a home based business that offers individuals easy ways to earn an extra income working from home.
This business, unlike my previous bricks and mortar businesses, provides us with the work/life balance that we have previously strived for, allowing us to spend valuable quality time with our children. I currently use my experience to find the most up to date and effective ways for other individuals to make money from home without them having to dig too deep into their pockets to find start up costs.
To find out how we can help YOU to find the most powerful ways to work from home and spend more quality time with YOUR family visit:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Roy_J_Derrick

. Quality vs. Quantity

Google's Panda update is giving millions of blog writers and SEO copywriters nightmares and sleepless nights. But there are ways to beat the Panda update and stay ahead in the race. Following are a few tips for writing to satisfy the Panda
In the pre Panda days webmasters demanded 20, 30 and even 50 to 100 articles from SEO copywriters based on a handful of similar looking keywords. They even mentioned that the articles need not be of top quality.
The only criterion was a super fast turnaround. Naturally, writers who had to crank out such content at break neck speed compromised on quality to deliver the assignments on time.
Quality was probably the last thing on the minds of webmasters who forced content writers to churn out 5000 or 6000 words per day!
However, with the advent of the Panda update, webmasters are being forced to turn their attention to good quality content creation as opposed to mindless quantity.
Quality content refers to well researched, well written, genuinely informative and highly useful articles and posts that satiate the readers' thirst for information and answer the questions asked by readers.
This type of content that caters to the readers' needs is usually shared between netizens and Google ranks such content highly. Webmasters should focus on this type of content to please the Panda.
Panda Prefers a Healthy Content Diet
Websites with thin content or fluff, multiple ads and extremely poor quality writing were weeded out by Panda. These were sites with great page ranks but the gibberish content was aimed only at search engines. Panda prefers to award good page ranks to websites containing substantial, juicy, informative and useful content that is unique, original and not duplicated from other sources.
Webmasters are advised to throw out their junk content and fill their web pages with original, well written content that is targeted at readers, their needs and personalities and desires.
It is Not Easy to Fool the Panda
Yes, you read that right but unfortunately majority of the webmasters try to trick Google's indexing and fool the Panda through special techniques and strategies mentioned in millions of online posts and articles.
Sites with good, great and amazing content are rewarded by Google's Panda with high page ranks in search engine results. Spam content, duplicated content, content without value, boring content that does not entertain or educate readers, anemic content and tacky, gibberish content are punished by the Panda.
It is best not to trick the Panda into believing that your site contains content better than what it actually has. Rather, you should discard the fluff, rewrite your web pages, incorporate fresh, new content that your readers will love to gulp down and provide your users with a worthwhile experience.
Instead of competing with rival bloggers, try to excel yourself, improve your own writing standards and allow each of your blog posts to be better than the others. Innovative, new, virgin and unexplored information satisfies the Panda easily.
Raj Bokdia is a serial entrepreneur and internet marketing expert. Want to keep up with the panda update? Then its important to hire a reliable article writing service whether you want to buy blog posts, articles, press releases or even if you want to buy Linkvana posts. Visit QuickContent.net today to buy high quality content.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Raj_Bokdia

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6899486

There are many ways to go about developing an internet salary.

Picture yourself waking up from a good night's sleep. You walk across the hallway of your newly purchased home and start up your computer. Your face beams as it does every day at this time when you realize you have amassed another few thousand dollars while you were asleep. This is the life of a successful online marketer. There is no reason why that cannot be the life you live.
 But first you will need to know what is needed to create a long lasting and solid one. First and foremost you will need money to invest. You can't expect to suddenly make a six figure income salary from scratch. To get back you must first give. The right investment will be your first step in guiding you towards the right path. This investment can be anywhere from $20 to cover web hosting and domain registration to anything above that to cover advertising costs and outsourcing duties. Sure you can make money without investing anything but those methods do not always produce long lasting and fruitful results.
From this point you can either choose to build your own business and launch your very own product or start out as an affiliate marketer and market other people's products. The first option is very profitable if done correctly but profits are usually for the long term and you won't reap the benefits of your efforts quickly enough. Launching a product is something to consider after you have saved a lot of money to invest. Affiliate marketing is a great place to start since you don't have to invest as much money and can also produces great returns within weeks.
The key to developing an awesome internet salary is to take advantage of income streams. If an article you write is responsible for 5 sales a week, then writing 50 more articles of that nature will produce 255 sales in a week which as you can imagine will skyrocket your commission. Soon you will be able to put yourself in a position where you can now hire skilled writers to write articles for you and even increase your commissions further.
This isn't an easy process but it's not too hard either. It will require hard work and commitment however. But after your lifestyle has changed significantly and you look back on today, you would have cherished every moment.
Imagine doubling your money every week with no or little risk! To discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you. Click the link below to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the easy corporate money program: http://www.flipyourdough.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Nnebe

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6904845

Post title2012 adsense approval tricks

To get an approved AdSense account from Google you must have a site or blog that goes by Google's terms and conditions and sites that Google favors the most.
These Days, It's already very hard to get an approved AdSense account especially when you're still a newbie in Intecczxrnet Marketing with no existing websites or blogs.
Are you preparing your site to be submitted for a Google Adsense account apbfgbdzproval? Then you need to pay some attention to your website before you submitting it. May new webmasters tend to do some mistakes which in turncxzcx could make their adsense account application being rejected. Therefore, before you enroll into Google Adsense, make sure you have pxzcaid attention to the topics listed below.
Have Good Website Content
Whenever you are submitting for a Google Adsense account make sure your website have good quality content. Visitors to your website comes to your site because they could find good reading materials. That is what all visitorcxs are looking fcxor in a website. Google Adsense evaluaticxon staff too are looking for this aspect. They are looking at your website content when they are evaluating your site. Get it!
Make sure your website is 15 to 20 pages before submission
Before you submit your site, make sure your site have at least 15 to 20 pacxges. Google never recommended the minimum number of pages required before an account will be approved, however from experience from many new webmasters it is highly recommended that you have at least 15 to 20 pages.
Make the site easy for navigation
Make sure on each page you have at least a link that will bring a visitor to the main site that have a navigation table. You do not want a visitor to get lost within your site. This also will make visitors easy to find the information that your site got to offer.
Launch your website to world wide web
This is another important issue. Make sure your website have been launched to the world first before you submit your Google Adsense application. Many new webmasters have submitted their Google Adsense application before they have made their website live in the internet. Off course your application will be rejected because your site could not be found in the internet.
Make sure your site does not have video, mp3 download and news groups
All the above matters will lead to copyright issues and Google have made it clear that they do not want to approve any application with website having these materials.
Make sure that your site does not contain, or is not about any of the topics prohibited by Google
Google has clearly delineated the topics that are prohibited. These are,

· Excessive profanity

· Violence, racial intolerance, or advocacy against any individual, group, or organization

· Hacking/cracking content

· Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia

· Pornography, adult, or mature content

· Gambling or casino-related content

· Excessive advertising

· Any other content that promotes illegal activity or infringes on the legal rights of others.

You must use a valid email address and name when applying for Adsense account. 

I'm going to let you know about the way I got approved for Google AdSense.

 This is a proven method and I didn't have any trouble yet. I'm not quite sure whether Google will make actions to change their approval policy after finding this method. But still it is OK with them.
If you are going through the standard way, first you have to build a quality website according to AdSense guidelines. And then you have to host it with a web hosting service provider. If you know web designing, then you can reduce the cost for both of these. But otherwise you will have to spend at least few hundreds of Dollars. And there is a possibility that Google will reject your application for AdSense, if you haven't followed the guidelines. The method that I'm going to describe here won't make you any of above mentioned troubles.
If you are familiar with blogs and blogging you know about blogger.com which is a blogging service provided by Google. If you don't have a blogger.com account, it is free to sign up for an account. For this you will need an email address of Gmail. You will need it for applying for AdSense also. Therefore if you don't have these or one of this membership (blogger.com and Gmail), first get the both memberships. When you register with blogger.com you can create your own blog with modifications. Then publish your blog. Then go to the administrative panel of your blog and click "Template>Page Template". Then click the "Add a Page Element" link and a pop up window will appear.
You will find "AdSense" element there. When you click "ADD TO BLOG" button in that element, you will be directed to the AdSense registration page. Fill all the required fields in the application form correctly and submit it. Hurray! You are done. Google will approve your application within 2-3 days. You don't have to worry about the possibility of rejection of your application as blogger.com is a one of their services. Once your approval confirmed through email(Gmail address you registered with), you are free to put your AdSense code in any website that you like.
I hope that you gained something after reading this post. I wish you all the best with your internet business.
Sampath Wijeratne is the administrator and main contributor of [http://www.best-internet-guide.com] which provides information on various topics related to the internet with free of charge. It also provide RSS subscription through a RSS link and by email. You will find more related articles in his website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sampath_Wijeratne

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/957177

Guaranteed adsense approval Tricks

Many webmasters and bloggers keep asking about their rejection of AdSense Application. I have also faced restriction of Google AdSense policy in approval of my Google AdSense account. My application was rejected for three times for different reason each time. Then I gone through some research and analysis on internet and on my blog also and what I found is secrets of AdSense account approval tips. I think these tips may also help you to get your AdSense account application accepted at the first time; hence I am sharing AdSense application tips with you here in this article.
The first and most important golden rule is to read and understand Google AdSense Policies and make your mind to strictly follow them as Google is very strict to their terms. If you want your Google AdSense account application to be accepted at the first time, you must strictly follow below tips.
1. Website Content. Content of your website must be suitable and meeting AdSense policy criteria. Hence in short, no duplicate content, no unethical or porn content and must be useful and informative. No negative talking, negative reviews about other site, business or products. Content must be unique, genuinely written and original.
2. Domain Name: You must have your own private domain name and not sub domain of any free domain service or blogging services. Domain must be at least 6 months old. 6 Month is necessary to improve your website and generate traffic to it from search engines because new domains do not have traffic. This is why AdSense do not accept domain newer than 6 months. And do not register domain for one year only, it must be registered for minimum two years, as in many cases spam domains are registered for one year only that is minimum domain registration period and age of domain more than two years creates credibility of your business online.
3. Domain Owner name must match AdSense Payee name: You must tell Google that you are the owner of the website and not applying for some other high traffic website. Google checks for the match of your AdSense application name and your domain ownership name. If possible, also maintain the same address in your domain Whois record and AdSense application.
4. Apply for Google AdSense account with your email id hosted on your own domain. This is more important to prove ownership of the website. You must create email like yourname@ yourdomain.com and use this to apply for AdSense account instead of using Gmail or any other email ids. It is also recommended to create Google webmaster tools account with the same email id and register your website for showing another proof of your website ownership.
Let me clarify that, not all above tips are verified by Google or not officially announced. These are from my own experience and research. Some of them may not be as important as I am saying, but I believe that following all above will not cost you anything then few minutes.
If you AdSense application is rejected before this, do not worry. You can still apply all above Guaranteed AdSense approval tips before re-submitting the application again. I would love to read your own tips and experience on AdSense application approval, waiting for your comments.
Visit Make Money Online [http://www.guidetoearnmoney.com] without investment. Free resources on how to make money online.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chirag_Patel

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5209135

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